About Us - Tech Unlimited
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About us


Who we are and why we’re passionate about distribution 

We’re Tech Unlimited and we’d like you to trust us.

Born out of experience, old values and a gap in the market, we are a device accessory and CE specialist distributor focused on Education, Healthcare, Public Sector & B2B. We believe there is a better way of doing distribution, adopting a more personalised and flexible approach where resellers do not feel second best to their distributor.


Our goals are to make our customers feel valued by saying ‘yes’ to channel demands, make quick decisions, and be flexible. With the team’s combined years of experience and knowledge of how a distribution partner can work best for resellers, our mission is to bring new business into new markets by building a lasting brand loyalty within the channel


The last 5 years have shown us the channel does want to work with a distributor that add value, shows flexibility & gives an A+ service level. If you want to know, more contact us on sales@techunlimited.co

We value our values


Through our experience, we hold an in-depth understanding of technology and distribution. We are eager to share our knowledge to drive business growth and customer development. 


Strong partnerships and a sense of community are vital to us. We ensure a cooperative way of working amongst our team, as well as with our brands and customers.  


We ensure that our business is customer-focused by anticipating customer needs, being easily accessible, and looking beyond a purchase.


We seek trust in every relationship. In every interaction, we build trust by being honest, competent, committed, and consistent; adding value.


Having a passion in the field generates the initiative to get the job done. Our passion for distribution means that we take pride in our work and care about our relationships with colleagues, customers, and brands.

We value our team

Sunil Jina
Sales Director and Co-Founder

Sunil brings all of his channel and customer expertise in the accessories and CE market and is well known in the channel. With experience building channels and driving business growth and customer development, he looks forward to re-engaging with old friends and meeting new ones. Also an avid Manchester United fan.

Louis Dupigny
Commercial Director and Co-Founder

With a proven track record of building brands, Louis uses his knowledge of the accessories and CE market to build a best of breed portfolio at Tech Unlimited. With his understanding of distribution, his goal is to add value and help the channel drive new revenue. In his spare time, Louis love running, cooking and travelling.

Tony Scully
Operations Director

With 20 years of experience in director positions at Computers Unlimited, Tech Data and CMS, Tony uses his experience to build the business. With a customer and channel-centric focus, he identifies new opportunities, helping to drive operational excellence. Also a long-suffering season ticket holder at Tottenham.

Lily Wood
Lily Wood
Account Manager

Lily comes from a customer services/account management background & will use her experience to help maintain the high levels of customer service that TU give. She looks forward to helping customers with pre and after sales service. Having worked in a family run business since she understands how ever customer interaction matters & is excited to expand her knowledge in the world of Tech!

Highlights this year have been Bett 2023 in London & IFA 2023 in Berlin.

BTW when you ever speak to Lily, don’t forget she always has at least two holidays booked.

Grace Woodruff
Grace Woodruff
Customer Service Manager

Grace comes from an operations and customer success focused background, using her knowledge and experience to maintain and improve TUs internal processes and delivery high levels of customer service.

Grace has previously worked in IOT, developing the customers service experience and building relationships throughout the customers’ journey.

Grace is a foodie, a keen runner and netball player.

TU highlights so far, have been implementing new processes and taking on the project management for TUs largest framework.

Sunil Jina

Sales Director & Co-Founder

Contact Sunil at 07762 098293

Sunil brings all of his channel and customer expertise in the accessories and CE market and is well known in the channel. With extensive experience in building channels, plus driving business growth and customer development, he looks forward to re-engaging with old friends and meeting new ones. Also an avid Manchester United fan.

Louis Dupigny

Commercial Director & Co-Founder

Contact Louis at 07956 157423

With a proven track record of building brands, Louis is using his knowledge of the accessories and CE market to build a best of breed portfolio at Tech Unlimited. With his understanding of distribution, his goal is to add value and help the channel drive new revenue. In his spare time, Louis love running, cooking and travelling.

Tony Scully

Operations Director

Contact Tony at 07973 142 734

With 20 years of distribution experience holding director positions at Computers Unlimited, Tech Data and CMS, Tony is using his experience to build the business. With a customer and channel-centric focus, he identifies new opportunities, helping to drive operational excellence. A family man who has been a long-suffering season ticket holder at Tottenham.

Emily Ralphs

Digital Marketing Coordinator

As a recent marketing graduate, Emily is enjoying flexing her creative side at Tech Unlimited. Helping to build our presence within our channel, Emily’s role includes content creation, social media marketing, plus overseeing and developing effective marketing strategies with Tech Unlimited and our brands. Outside of work Emily loves exploring her surroundings in North Wales, baking and running.

Kaltrina Khan

Digital Marketing Intern

As a current Digital Marketing Masters student, Kaltrina is passionate about helping the business to grow by expressing her creative flair. She hopes to develop her skill set in content design, social media, email marketing, and put her previous journalism skills to use through storytelling. Kaltrina loves kickboxing, going to gigs and listening to music in her spare time.

We value you

Less about us, we want to know more about you. Are you a vendor and think we’d make a great team? Get in touch. Equally, if you’re a reseller looking for a new distributor, we would love to hear from you.