Device Accessories Distributor - Tech Unlimited
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A device accessories and CE specialist distributor


With a focus on Education, Healthcare, Public Sector & B2B

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Tech Unlimited revolutionising niche distribution with unmatched growth.

Tech Unlimited has quickly developed a strong reputation in its niche since the distributor launched in 2020 and posted impressive growth figures year-on-year – and this has been achieved by taking a different approach to others in the sector

Our vendors cover all of the key categories to aid your customers


Device Protection


Maximise IT budgets and protect all devices.




Keyboards and Stands


Enhance productivity and work setups.




Security Solutions


Prevent theft against hardware.




Audio and Connectivity


Get more out of devices.




Creativity and Software


Unleash students’ creativity and maximise learning.




Charging Carts


Charge, store, and manage multiple mobile devices.



Meet our brands

Protective solutions for iPads, & Stylus for iPad plus Macbook sleeves

Secure charging carts for iPads tablets and laptops

Uncompromising screen protection against drops, dust and scratches.


ZAGG offers screen protection, cases, keyboards, and portable wireless charging (ZAGG & mophie brands) for complete mobile device defense.

Every XtremeMac product enhances the apple experience with clean shape, innovative features and intuitive experiences.

Protecting student devices to keep learning on track in the classroom, at home and everywhere in between.

What makes us different?


We believe that speed to market, meeting customer demand and team productivity is the key to success. We seek efficiency by finding the most effective way of working helping our customers achieve results quickly.


Working with a distributor with set processes can be challenging, however, we make quick decisions using common sense. We work within the guidelines of the task but without boundaries of how we achieve it.


Our team has 75+ years of experience, meaning we have witnessed the struggles of distributors with a fixed and impersonal service. We hold an in-depth understanding of the accessories, CE and education markets.


At Tech Unlimited, we don’t want you to feel second best. We value each customer and offer a personal touch to our services, ensuring that you get the attention you deserve.

“Working with Tech Unlimited has been crucial to increase our growth within the UK and Ireland. XP-PEN are proud to be working with Tech Unlimited due to their strong presence within the channel and their personal approach. We look forward to seeing where this partnership takes XP-PEN’s growth.”

– Name

B2B Manager, XP-Pen

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