Deqster - Tech Unlimited
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Innovative accessories that excite and spark joy in learning and working!

Smart Technology

Smart Technologies

Supplier of one of the only two 3rd party Apple Smart connector keyboard cases available

Education Experts

Education Experts

Knowledge of the key demands of users in the education sector

All around iPad


Products that support and improve all the working functionality of the iPad



DEQSTER, based in Hamburg, Germany, specialises in innovative and customised accessories for the education and public sector. The range includes robust, user-friendly, and affordable products such as charging cases, protective covers, keyboard cases, screen protectors, and styluses. Their goal is to create an optimal learning experience for students and teachers by incorporating modern technologies into our accessories.



DEQSTER, based in Hamburg, Germany, specialises in innovative and customised accessories for the education and public sector. The range includes robust, user-friendly, and affordable products such as charging cases, protective covers, keyboard cases, screen protectors, and styluses. Their goal is to create an optimal learning experience for students and teachers by incorporating modern technologies into our accessories.



Customised solutions


“We don’t just talk about education and public, we understand them.”


Their products are not just accessories; they are customised tools designed to meet the needs of schools, school boards and public authorities. Whether it’s styluses for interactive learning or ergonomic keyboard cases for efficient administration, we’ve thought of everything. Their solutions can be further customised to the specific needs of each institution.


Sustainability meets innovation


“We are building the future without harming the earth.”


By 2030, all our products will be made from recycled or renewable materials. We not only offer high-quality products, but also solutions that are in line with sustainability goals. For schools and authorities looking to leave a green footprint, DEQSTER is the clear choice.

Unrivalled customer satisfaction and cooperation


“Your success is our success.”


They work hand-in-hand with educational institutions and government agencies to ensure their products meet real needs. DEQSTER focus is on customer satisfaction, and we go the extra mile to ensure that every interaction with DEQSTER is a win-win situation. Their partnerships are long-term and designed to create real added value.



Customised solutions


“We don’t just talk about education and public, we understand them.”


Their products are not just accessories; they are customised tools designed to meet the needs of schools, school boards and public authorities. Whether it’s styluses for interactive learning or ergonomic keyboard cases for efficient administration, we’ve thought of everything. Their solutions can be further customised to the specific needs of each institution.


Sustainability meets innovation


“We are building the future without harming the earth.”


By 2030, all our products will be made from recycled or renewable materials. We not only offer high-quality products, but also solutions that are in line with sustainability goals. For schools and authorities looking to leave a green footprint, DEQSTER is the clear choice.

Unrivalled customer satisfaction and cooperation


“Your success is our success.”


They work hand-in-hand with educational institutions and government agencies to ensure their products meet real needs. DEQSTER focus is on customer satisfaction, and we go the extra mile to ensure that every interaction with DEQSTER is a win-win situation. Their partnerships are long-term and designed to create real added value.

Hero products

Get in touch with our team

Want to learn more about Deqster? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.