Xencelabs - Tech Unlimited
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Graphic Pen Tablets & Pen Displays for Creatives


More Accessories in the Box!


Education Pack


Loaner Program

About Xencelabs


Founded in 2019 by creative professionals with the knowledge and expertise that allowed them to create a range of products specifically designed for creatives, by creatives. Xencelabs products are digital drawing tools that facilitate artistic expression. Their goal is to build a community and collaborate with other industry leaders, creating tools that are intuitive and a natural extension of the creative process.


Why Xenclabs


A team of individuals who know the market and the channel, bringing a freshness that makes them a credible alternative. They provide true value, added with webinars, ‘How to’ videos, customer interaction, samples & loans Program, & bundle offerings. They also offer vertical-specific commercials including education pricing. The Quick Keys Remote enables artists to incorporate shortcut keys into their regular workflow through an easy-to-use interface. The remote’s OLED display and physical dial allow users up to 40 shortcuts per application and group sets of related functions like sketching, colouring, drawing, and editing.

Hero products

Xencelabs Pen Tablet M Bundle SE (EN/FR/ES)

Xencelabs Pen Tablet S Standard (EN/PO/RU)

Xencelabs Quick keys

Get in touch with our team

Want to learn more about Xencelabs? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.