Charging Carts - Tech Unlimited
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Charging Carts


Charge, store, and manage multiple mobile devices

Imagine a classroom of students unable to work due to their devices not having sufficient battery power. Charging carts are an essential part of any IT roll-out to ensure that multiple devices can be charged simultaneously. Charging carts further allow a range of devices to be stored and managed within educational establishments and offices, ensuring an efficient teaching and working day.


Our team has been involved in charging carts since they came to market many years ago. We know that charging carts are an ideal way to enhance your margin and having listened to the market, we can offer the best breed of products that deliver an excellent customer experience.

Take charge of your customers’ devices with:

Charging carts

Wall lockers

Product spotlight

Product spotlight

Wall/Desktop 10

Secure Charging Station for up 10 tablets and notebook devices

LoxBox 30

Secure Charging Carts for up to 30 tablets and notebook devices

NoteCart Flex 32

Designed for storing, charging and transporting up to 32 laptops

Our vendors offering charging carts


Get in touch with our team

Want to learn more about the charging carts we offer? Fill out the form below and a member of our team will be in touch.