18 Nov Keep Students Engaged With Learning… Wherever They Are

Nearpod is a student engagement platform that ensures all students continue to get the best learning experience through remote or blended learning. It works seamlessly with existing LMS systems and works on all student devices, any OS or browser. Educators can find and create interactive lessons in minutes by either synchronised learning during live instruction or assigning self-paced lessons that students can access anytime, anywhere.
Nearpod is an instructional platform that merges formative assessment and dynamic media for collaborative learning. It further saves time by importing existing lessons (pdfs, jpegs, ppt) and adding virtual field trips, collaborative boards, quizzes, polls, matching pair activities and more.
Have you heard?
TU is running training sessions on Zoom for Nearpod. Let us know if you are interested in finding out more by emailing sales@techunlimited.co